Thursday, September 21, 2017

A little status update,
  • The server now successfully runs two MUSH games and a com system that I wrote eons ago. Come play Tao/Othello or Connect 4. 
  • Sockets have been implemented via a restricted SOCKET_PUPPET and SOCKET_INPUT flag. Data can be retrieved via a "!" listen as opposed to a the standard "^" listen, or the input() function. Simple weather retrieval has been coded in MUSH code on my dev site.  
  • @lock key evaluation will be done shortly.
  • A re-write of how data is passed back and forth is mostly complete. This will make it easier to determine the enactor and which program the code is being executed under.
  • A honey pot environment has been created. hosts/users can be banished to the honey pot with no one to bother. Hopefully they will get bored and move on verses trying to connect a non-restricted host.